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As an academic discipline, history is the study of the past. It conceptualizes and describes what happened by collecting and analysing evidence to construct narratives. These narratives cover not only how events unfolded but also why they happened and in which contexts, providing an explanation of relevant background conditions and causal mechanisms. History further examines the meaning of historical events and the underlying human motives driving them.

Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer/History Emphasis

Major Code 1130

We can help you customize your Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree from Treasure Valley Community College with an emphasis in History. By earning an AAOT, you can save money on the first two years of your bachelor's degree before you transfer to a university. See an advisor for more options and information about how to design your AAOT with your transfer degree in mind.   AAOT History Emphasis Advising Sheet

HIST 101

History of Western Civilizations - 3 Credits

Examines the major ideas, issues, events and personalities of the time. Offers different frameworks of analysis to enhance comprehension and critical thinking. Includes the Birth of Civilization, Greece and Rome, Middle Ages, and Renaissance.

Quarters Offered: Fall

HIST 102

History of Western Civilizations - 3 Credits

Examines the major ideas, issues, events and personalities of the time. Offers different frameworks of analysis to enhance comprehension and critical thinking. Includes the Reformation, Absolutism, the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, and the French Revolution.

Quarters Offered: Summer, Winter, Spring

HIST 103  

History Of Western Civilizations - 3 Credits

Examines the major ideas, issues, events and personalities of the time. Offers different frameworks of analysis to enhance comprehension and critical thinking. Includes the age of Napoleon, the age of nation-states, the birth of modern European thought. World War I, Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, and through to the present.

Quarters Offered: Summer, Spring

HIST 201

U.S. History - 3 Credits

Examines the major ideas, issues, events, and personalities of the time. Offers different frameworks of analysis to enhance comprehension and critical thinking. Includes early migration into North America through nationhood to the eve of the Civil War.

Quarters Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter

HIST 202

U.S. History - 3 Credits

Examines the major ideas, issues, events and personalities of the time. Offers different frameworks of analysis to enhance comprehension and critical thinking. Includes westward movement, Civil War, industrial America, and the Progressive Era. Some sections may have a no-cost text book option.

Quarters Offered: Winter, Spring

HIST 203

U.S. History - 3 Credits

Examines the major ideas, issues, events and personalities of the time. Offers different frameworks of analysis to enhance comprehension and critical thinking. Includes WWI, Depression and New Deal, WWII, Vietnam War, and the 1960's through to the present.

Quarters Offered: Fall, Spring